Why can't we fly?
Let’s talk about United Airlines and the mess they’ve left our region in when it comes to pet shipping—and, spoiler alert, it’s not just pets, but endangered birds, too. United used to be the only airline that could fly pets from Guam and Saipan to the U.S., but now? They’ve decided to peace out on pet shipping, leaving us stranded with no options. And before you ask, it’s not like other airlines can just step in and save the day—oh no, that would be too easy.
Enter the cabotage rule: a fancy word for a really frustrating law. It says that foreign airlines (like, say, Japan Airlines or Korean Air) can’t fly animals between U.S. destinations. So even if we wanted to put a pet or endangered bird on a flight with a non-U.S. carrier, they legally can’t help us. Meanwhile, United has a monopoly in this region and doesn’t even care.
This whole situation is leaving thousands of pets and endangered birds stuck here with no way off the islands, and it’s not like there are endless homes available for them locally. We’re fighting for change, but in the meantime, our region is really feeling the impact.
THOUSANDS of pets and rescues have been EUTHANIZED due to United's restrictive policies.
BUT catch this - they will fly pets from Guam to Honolulu for military on relocation (PCS) orders. Just not for the rest of us.
What do we want? We are just asking for the same consideration given to military families. Please allow us to fly our pets and rescues from Guam/Saipan to Honolulu.
We have tried everything in our power. They won't listen.
They haven't even acknowledged the petition started by Boonie Babies Rescue which has +20,000 signatures. But who cares.. sign it anyways.