Guam is a U.S. Territory with approximately 150,000 people and 70,000 dogs. Not too far away is Saipan, a U.S. Commonwealth with about 45,000 people and 21,000 dogs. This volume of animals on a small island has resulted in a large stray and homeless pet population, with very limited potential adopters.
In April 2021, Boonie Flight Project was born in response to these issues. Between that first flight until September 2024, this small group of committed volunteers flew 618 animals to 43 states and two countries!
Today, there is a shortage of charter flights resulting in more costly pet shipping. As a result, our small group is shifting their focus more towards sustainable solutions at the root of these problems.

Our main focal points now include:
-Supporting local organizations
-Accessible spay/neuter
-Accessible pet shipping

What's a boonie?
Boonies are the super mutts of Guam. They have descended from dogs brought over in World War II, pets abandoned on island, and from the closed dog racing track. They are a lovely random mix of: German Shepherds, Beagles, Labs, Dobermans, Greyhounds, Corgis, Chihuahuas and many other breeds.
The results are very adorable, indestructible, varied sized dogs with hearts of gold.
want to adopt?
We do NOT regularly fly boonies off-island anymore due to cost and competing priorities.
However, we do sometimes have a few lucky pups to send off-island.
If you are interested in adopting, please follow along our social media or reach out to learn more about who might be available.
We have flown to over 43 states
and 2 countries!
Boonies Flown
From puppies to adults, low riders to tall ears, we have sent a variety of shapes and sizes state side!

345 Females shipped off island, who live an average of 7 years, and can breed 12-24+ puppies per year and now are spayed and not on Guam!